There are so many ways that we feel connected to God, and honor Him and His son Jesus Christ. One of those ways is by listening to Godly music that invites the Spirit into our lives and into our homes. These are the best praise and worship songs to listen to when you want to feel close to God and remember Him. If we surround ourselves with uplifting music, we will be more in tune with the Spirit and we will be able to see Heavenly Father’s hand in our lives.
You Say by Lauren Daigle
Honestly, any song by Lauren Daigle will have you feeling connected to God. She is a powerful artist who writes music that you could swear was taken directly from your own thoughts. This song reminds you that even when you feel low, worthless, and hopeless – God will never feel that way. He will always see our true potential.
How Great is Our God by Passion
This popular song is a powerful expression of praise and worship to God. It encourages listeners to reflect on the greatness and majesty of God. The repetition of the phrase “How great is our God” reinforces the central theme of the song, emphasizing the awe and reverence that believers feel towards their Creator.
Christ in Me by Jeremy Camp
‘Christ in Me’ is a Christian worship song that focuses on the transformative power of Christ in an individual’s life. Its themes of personal change, confession, empowerment, and relationship with God are relatable to so many Christians. It’s fun to listen to, and has a powerful impact emotionally and spiritually as well.
What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship
Something we focus on a lot in the Christian faith is the different names for Jesus Christ, and the meaning behind them. He is such an important person, He deserves powerful, meaningful titles and names. This song reminds us of that, and the importance of a personal connection to Him.
Thank You Jesus for the Blood by Charity Gayle
This Christian worship song expresses deep gratitude for the redemptive power of Jesus’ blood. It focuses on redemption, forgiveness, personal connection, and spiritual warfare. This resonates with believers, making it a wonderful song with a powerful message.
Shout to the Lord by Don Moen
One thing that the scriptures has told us over and over is to bear our testimony, and tell others of our belief and our revelation. This song is a reminder of that instruction. We should never be hesitant to share our testimony with others, and shout to the world of our love for our Creator.
In Christ Alone by One for Israel Music
As Christians, it’s important to remember that we rely on Jesus entirely for our eternal salvation. It is because of His sacrifice, His atonement, that we are able to live in eternal joy with those we love. That is a gift unlike any other. And it’s important that we always take time to be grateful for Him and His sacrifice. This song is a wonderful reminder of Christ’s role in our lives.
Don’t forget to check out our Top 101 Christian Hits Playlist to find more amazing songs!
10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman
At its core, “10,000 Reasons” is a song of gratitude and thanksgiving. The lyrics focus on counting blessings and giving praise to God for His goodness, faithfulness, and unending love. The lyrics are simple, yet powerful and relatable – making it an excellent worship song!
Great is Your Mercy by Donnie McClurkin
‘Great Is Your Mercy’ is a gospel worship song that celebrates God’s mercy and love. Its message of adoration and personal testimony make it a moving and inspiring piece of music that uplifts and encourages listeners in their faith.
Be Still by Travis Greene
In a world full of chaos, it can be easy to be excitable expressive in times of stress or worry. This worship song invites us to be still, and trust in God and His plan for us. His hand is in our lives, and will always be working to our benefit. We need to practice being still and patient as we wait for our stress to pass, and His plan to be revealed.
I Surrender by Hillsong Worship
The way that the world is, people try to be in control more now than ever. When things get scary, we try to do what we can to eliminate that fear. But sometimes, there’s nothing that we can do to change or prevent future obstacles. This is when we must surrender to God, and allow for His will to happen. This song is an excellent reminder of the importance to surrender to Him and allow for Him to play a part in our lives.
Great are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters
‘Great Are You Lord’ is a worshipful and reverent Christian song that highlights the greatness of God. His ability to be both all powerful and all loving are unmatched. This song invites us to sit back and admire the wonder that is our Creator and His love for us.
Nobody by Casting Crowns
Anyone with a testimony of the greatness of God will find this song relatable. The artist shares about how in the world, he is just a ‘nobody’ but he is trying to tell anyone who will listen about Jesus Christ and His and the amazing role He has played in His life.
How Great Thou Art by The Bonner Family
This song is one of the most beloved and enduring hymns in Christian music history. It is a powerful expression of worship and adoration for God’s greatness. It invites believers to stand in awe of the Creator and offer heartfelt praise for His wonderful works.
Even If by MercyMe
Everyone can relate to this song, as it talks about the desire to have God remove the hardship and the struggles from your life. But he continues to say that even if God is not able to move the mountains he wants moved, may he continue to have faith and love for God and trust in His plan. This song is so powerful, and listening to it can bring you faith and endurance to get through life’s challenges.
Whom Shall I Fear? [God of Angel Armies] by Christ Tomlin
‘Whom Shall I Fear?’ is a popular Christian worship song that reflects on trust, courage, and the assurance of God’s protection. It invites believers to trust in God’s protection and declare their faith even in the midst of fear.
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Final Thoughts On These 15 of the Best Praise and Worship Songs
We hope you enjoyed these Christian songs, and that they were able to help you feel close to God, and grateful for the role He plays in your life. Be sure to share these powerful songs with friends and family. We would love for you to comment some of your favorite Christian songs, or worship music below so we can add them to our lists for our readers!