general conference talks from october 2023

11 Best General Conference Talks from October 2023

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Even though the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints hosts a General Conference twice a year, and they have for many years, there is always something new to learn and take away from each session. Listening to our church leaders with an open mind and an open heart will always give us new insights. The talks that our prophet and other church officials share with us is just one of the many ways that God speaks to us, and we receive revelation. These talks were some of our favorite LDS General Conference Talks from October 2023. 

11 Must Hear October 2023 General Conference Talks

Think Celestial! by Russell M. Nelson

“Your choices will determine where you will live throughout eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever.”

It’s easy to forget just how important the choices that we make in this life truly are. It can be hard to gain the perspective that this life, which seems like the only life, is just a small piece of eternity. It takes practice and mindfulness to live in a way that will bring us a celestial eternity. 

Kingdoms of Glory by Dallin H. Oaks

“We have a loving Heavenly Father who will see that we receive every blessing and every advantage that our own desires and choices allow.”

Our God is a loving God. He wants nothing but the best for us, and the best is a celestial eternity surrounded by our families, living in the presence of God. He has promised us all of these blessings if we abide by His teachings during this lifetime. 

In the Path of Their Duty by David A. Bednar

“You who today are pressing forward in the path of your duty are the strength of the Savior’s restored Church.”

We all have duties during this lifetime that we are expected to do. We must take care of our families, take care of ourselves, serve others etc. But we must also remember how important it is to continue to grow, support, and prioritize the Savior’s restored church. 

The Sealing Power by D. Todd Christofferson

“The sealing power makes individual salvation and family exaltation universally available to the children of God.”

What a wonderful gift and blessing that God has given to us in the ability to be sealed to our families. God is our father, and He knows how much we love our families and how much desire we have to be with them for all eternity. 

Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven by Neil L. Andersen

“The windows of heaven open in many ways. Trust in the Lord’s timing; the blessings always come.”

Our Father in heaven has promised us many blessings. One of those being blessed if we pay our tithing. So many members have a strong testimony of paying tithing. Rely on the testimony of others until you receive and build your own. 

The Prodigal and the Road That Leads Home by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Though choices may have taken you far from the Savior and His Church, the Master Healer stands at the road that leads home, welcoming you.”

There is nowhere we can go, no depth that we can fall too, and no mistakes we can make that will make us unworthy of redemption and forgiveness from God. We should never feel like we are beyond redemption. 

Seeing God’s Family through the Overview Lens by Tamara W. Runia

“I believe we can, through the eye of faith, zoom out and view ourselves and our families with hope and joy.”

No matter what it is, it can be hard to see a perspective that is different from our own. Through faith, we can see a new perspective, one that is full of hope, love, and positivity. We should try to see the world in this way as often as we can. 

God Knows and Loves You by Alan T. Phillips

“God’s plan of happiness is all about you. You are His precious child and of great worth.”

Because we aren’t able to see or physically speak with God, it can be hard to realize just how present he is in our lives. He loves us in a way we aren’t even capable of understanding. He knows us, every flaw, and He loves us endlessly. 

Our Constant Companion by Henry B. Eyring

“You and I have the opportunity to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion.”

God blesses us in so many ways. One of those ways is by giving us the gift of the Holy Ghost to be with us throughout our lifetime. Knowing that we are not alone and having someone to help us make good decisions and feel strong in our actions. 

Walking in Covenant Relationship with Christ by Emily Belle Freeman

“The One who was bruised and broken for us will allow mortality to do its work in us, but He doesn’t ask us to face those challenges alone.”

During our trials and hardships, it can feel like no one else understands what you’re going through. But we know that there is one person who knows exactly how we’re feeling; Jesus Christ. He has suffered our suffering. We can rely on Him as a support to get through our struggle. 

Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus by Robert M. Daines

“We want to see Jesus for who He is and to feel His love.”

There’s nothing that can bring us more joy, comfort, or peace than to feel the presence and love of God and Jesus Christ. We should strive to see Him and His hand in our lives all of the time. 

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Final Thoughts On These General Conference Talks from October 2023

We hope you enjoyed these wonderful LDS Conference talks from the October 2023 sessions. Our church leaders are so full of wisdom and insight. Make sure to share these talks with others you think will enjoy them, and comment below with your favorite conference talks from this year! 

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