lds christmas devotional

15 Best Quotes from the First Presidency Christmas Devotional 2022

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Every year the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a Christmas Devotional that helps remind members and friends of the true meaning of Christmas. This devotional helps to bring the spirit of Christmas into people’s homes around the world.

In this article, you will find the top quotes and scriptures from the 2022 First Presidency Christmas Devotional:

  • Christmas Devotional Quotes
  • Christmas Scriptures

10 Christmas Devotional Quotes from 2022

1. “Those who received the heavenly announcement of the birth were the very humble, the very holy and the very wise.” – Dallin H. Oaks

lds christmas devotional quotes

We are rewarded in this lifetime for our good qualities. Qualities such as humility, holiness, and wisdom. And what better reward than an announcement of the birth of Christ. 

2. “Christmas season is a time to reflect and act upon the blessings and opportunities we have because of the birth, life, Atonement, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Jose A. Teixeira

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Christ did so much for us, and the Christmas season is the best time to remember Him for all He did for us. From His birth to His death and even after that. 

3. “Jesus Christ was and is our first and forever gift of Christmas.” – Bonnie H. Cordon

lds christmas devotional quotes

There is no greater gift than having Jesus Christ as our Savior. Christ’s sacrifice allows us to have eternal life with our families, and that’s the true gift. 

4. “As followers of Christ, we ought to be the friendliest and most considerate of all people anywhere. We should teach our child to be kind and considerate of everyone.” – Dallin H. Oaks

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It can be easy to judge others or to question why others may live differently. But Christ was the least judgemental of all, and our only goal in life should be to live as He lived. 

Don’t forget to check out this extended list of LDS Christmas Quotes and these Christ-centered Christmas Movies.

5. “How happy Mary must have been to know that an angel had appeared to Joseph. How happy Joseph must have been to know this was the will of God. With the uncertainty and difficulty, for the righteous, in the end, all is well.” – Neil L. Andersen

lds christmas devotional quotes

Despite how crazy life gets or the trials we face, the righteous will always prevail. Whether it’s in this life or the next, living like Christ will pay off. 

6. “Christ can transform our Christmas beyond the ribbons of kindness and affection, and wrap our celebrations with charity… Re-centering our focus on Christ during Christmas will provide us a more significant measure of His love in our lives, and a greater capacity to love and serve others around us.” – Jose A. Teixeira

lds christmas devotional quotes

Christ is the ultimate example of charity and service. No one on this earth has suffered more than Him, and He did it so that we may have eternal happiness. And although He was the most undeserving of the sacrifice, He did it for all of us.  

7. “The Lord would soon fill the hollowness with holiness.” – Bonnie H. Cordon

lds christmas devotional quotes

When we feel alone and hollow, it’s important to remember that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are always with us. They are always there doing what is best for us and supporting us whether we realize it or not. 

8. “The angels had declared His coming and His noble mission. After the struggle and the uncertainty, for the righteous, in the end, all is well.” – Neil L. Andersen

lds christmas devotional quotes

Life is full of trials and hardships, but we must remember that if we live our life righteously and according to God’s wishes, we will always be okay in the end. 

9. “Christmas is a time to remember that we are all children of a Father in Heaven, who gave his Only Begotten Son that all would be redeemed from death, and who has offered the blessings of salvation and exaltation to all mankind on the same conditions.” – Dallin H. Oaks

lds christmas devotional quotes

It can be easy to get caught up in our worldly lives and responsibilities and forget about the reason we are here, to live by His commandments as we learn earthly lessons and eventually return to our Father in Heaven. 

10. “I have often pondered, in our receiving of Christ, do we diligently seek Him and then allow Him to lead our journey to places and people unknown to us? How can we express our gratitude through the gifts and worship we offer?” – Bonnie H. Cordon

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Despite the chaos of everyday life, we need to prioritize seeking Christ and allowing Him to guide us through life as He sees fit. We must trust in His plan for us. 

If you are wanting to prioritize your scripture reading, check out our Book of Mormon reading trackers to help you stay accountable and motivated!

5 Perfect Christmas Scriptures

1. “…that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” – Luke 1:35

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How amazing must it have been to know that the Son of God would soon be born, and you would be the one responsible for His birth? What a compliment and a privilege. 

2. “Joseph … fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:20-21

lds christmas devotional quotes

Joseph could’ve easily turned Mary away, but He stayed and supported her. He trusted the angel that spoke to Him and stayed by Mary’s side, which made Him a vital part in Christ’s birth. 

3. “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn” – Luke 2:7

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Out of all the children being born, and all the guests at the inn, Christ was the most important one for all of our salvation, and He had to be born in a manger. 

4. “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. … For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” – Luke 2:10-11

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People probably had no idea just how much Christ’s life would do for them. He is the entire reason we can live our lives and make mistakes and still have the chance to live in eternal joy. 

5. “And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.: – Luke 2:17

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When you witness a miracle, you want to shout it from the rooftops so everyone can hear. And that’s what Christ’s birth was, a miracle! 

Final Thoughts On These LDS Quotes from the First Presidency Christmas Devotional 2022

We hope you enjoyed these quotes and scriptures about Christ and the Christmas season as much as we did! Be sure to comment below your favorite scriptures or LDS quotes to read during the Holiday season so we can share them with our readers. 

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