Reading quotes and words of wisdom is a great way to find motivation and inspiration, no matter what area you may be lacking in. These inspirational Christian quotes are excellent reminders to us that God is always with us. He can be our source of strength and perseverance if we let Him. It’s entirely up to us how much we allow Him to take part in our lives.
19 Best Inspirational Christan Quotes to Remind You That God Loves You
What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God. -Hans urs von Balthasar
Life is full of opportunities to grow and improve. It’s entirely up to us how we want our life to be. And what better way to show our appreciation to God than by becoming a person who lives by His example?
God does not give us everything we want, but he does fulfill his promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to himself. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
If we live our life according to the gospel, we will end up on the straight and narrow path leading straight to God. He always keeps His promises and will always do what’s best for us.
God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go. -Tony Evans
No matter what is going on in our lives, God is there, even if it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. We need Him most when we feel furthest from Him. He will meet us at our worst and stand by us as we work towards our best.
You are the only Bible some unbelievers will ever read. – John Macarthur
As Christians, we walk around as a symbol of the Bible, the gospel, the church, and Christianity in general. Our biggest testimony isn’t spoken, it’s in how we behave, how we treat people, what energy we put off, etc. So we should do our best to be noble followers of Christ.
I did my best and God did the rest. -Hattie McDaniel
All we can do is our very best. After that, the rest is in God’s hands. He has a plan for us. If things aren’t going exactly as we had hoped, then we must trust that God is working on something even better for us.
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Joy is the infallible proof of the presence of God. -Madeleine L’engle
Without God, there is no true joy. Joy is different from happiness. Being happy is a temporary emotion in response to something good happening. Joy is an underlying state of being that we experience regardless of circumstance. Even on bad days, we can be happy knowing that God is working in our favor.
There is no one who is insignificant in the purpose of God. -Alistair Begg
God cares about every single person on this planet equally. Whether they are a sinner or a saint. We are all worthy of God’s love.
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. -C.S. Lewis
As Christians, we see God in everything. It is because of Him that a flower grows, that a baby is born, that the earth spins, etc. His hand is in every single thing that happens in this world.
To be Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. -C.S. Lewis
If we can be forgiven for every mistake we’ve ever made and be accepted into the kingdom of God, it’s only fair that we can forgive other imperfect people for their transgressions.
There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. -C.S. Lewis
No one knows what’s to come. But one thing for sure is that God is always working in our favor. He’s doing everything in His power to give us our best life, without taking away anyone’s agency.
God’s plan for you is bigger than your mistakes. -Anonymous
Our mistakes do not define us. We can never sin so badly that we are incapable of redemption. God’s plan for us is so much bigger than we are capable of seeing. We must simply trust in His plan for us.
A woman’s heart should be so close to God that a man should have to chase Him to find her. -C.S. Lewis
Women should never have to compromise or hide their love for God to make a relationship work. Ideally, the man most suitable for a woman would be one who shares her spiritual values and beliefs.
A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. -Theodore Roosevelt
While a college education can be important in this life, there isn’t anything more important than a personal relationship with God. And one way to do that is by reading the Bible.
It is better to be a child of God than king of the whole world. –
Worldly possessions and successes might seem important now, but really, after this life, none of it will matter. The only thing that will matter is our obedience and our love for God and His plan for us.
Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake. -Martin Luther
Having ultimate faith is something we should all strive for. To be so undoubtedly committed to God that we don’t question His plan for us, we simply do our best to live according to His wishes and do our best to be like Christ.
If God called us to a task, He will then qualify us for the job. -Jack Hyles
God doesn’t ask us to do things that we aren’t capable of doing. With God by our side and in our hearts, we can make it through even the hardest of times. He is the ultimate support.
Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion, it is like a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ. -Billy Graham
Conversion comes from dedicating ourselves to God and Jesus Christ and striving to be more like Him. This is done each and every day, and we are never done.
Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. -Mother Teresa
Not everyone will end up achieving something miraculous in their life. But the little things we do accomplish add up to something amazing.
Your life as a Christian should make non-believers question their disbelief in God. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The way we live our life is the most powerful testimony we can have. Others should see us, and our immense joy from following Christ, and strive to be like us. That is the greatest gift we can give God.
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Final Thoughts On These Inspirational Christian Quotes
We hope these quotes have given you inspiration, motivation, and joy! These quotes are all great reminders that God loves us, and that He is always there for us, doing what is best for us. Be sure to share these quotes with friends and family who might enjoy them. If you have any Christian quotes that you enjoy, comment them below so we can add them to our articles!
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