christian songs for teenage girls

8 Inspiring Christian Songs for Teenage Girls

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The teenage years are such a difficult time to navigate for teens, their parents, and everyone else in their lives. One of the most effective ways for teenage girls to feel at peace is to connect with God. He can help them feel worthy, calm, or any other positivity they may feel that they’re lacking. These powerful Christian songs for teenage girls are great for providing support and motivation. 

8 Inspiring Christian Songs with Messages for Your Teenage Daughter


Heavenly Father created you, His precious daughter, with great strength!

This is the perfect song to listen to when you’re feeling weak or going through a hard time. It will help you feel strong and capable and loved. Heavenly Father is the most effective source of strength there is. Leaning on Him is key to regaining emotional and spiritual endurance. 

Inside Out

God has placed deep beauty in your heart. Following Jesus will grow that beautiful glow!

This song is an excellent reminder that beauty comes from within. For anyone struggling with a lack of self-esteem, self-worth, or confidence, this is a great song. With the way the world is today, girls of all ages often need this reminder. 

Don’t forget to check out these 9 Most Important Christian Family Values to Teach Your Children!

I Can Do All Things

Jesus Christ has the strength you need. You can truly do all things in Him!

No matter how hard the task may be, or how painful the struggle might feel, Christ can always give us the strength we need to get through it. His love and His comfort is more powerful than anything we could receive on this earth. Leaning on Him will help us to overcome this world and all of our worldly problems. 

Lift Your Eyes

You are the royal daughter of the Heavenly King. He yearns with all His heart to look into your eyes as you look up to Him!

It can be hard to remember that this life on earth is such a small part of our true existence. When this life is over and we get to live in eternal joy, all of our worldly struggles will seem so insignificant. But this doesn’t mean that our struggles don’t seem all consuming at the time. All we can do now to make it through this life is to keep our focus on Heavenly Father, and lift our eyes to Him. 

Your Light

Your life matters! The world needs the light you shine as you follow Jesus!

Each one of us has a purpose, and we are equally worthy. Whatever your situation may be, the world needs you. Your existence plays a vital role in other peoples lives. You have an inner light that others benefit from seeing. Do your best to be that light for others. Believe in yourself and your worth, and you will see just how valuable you are. 

Only You

You are not just one in a million, you are the only one of you that God created in the universe. That is something divinely special!

Girls often spend so much of their lives trying to fit in or be like other girls. But the truth is, everyone is completely unique. There are no two people who are exactly the same. Humans being different from one another is what allows us to keep existing. We rely on each other’s strengths and skills to combat our shortcomings. Only you have the exact set of skills, interests, and desires that you do. And without that, you would not be able to be the person the world needs you to be. 

When You Look In the Mirror

Every time you look in the mirror, Jesus sees a face that He loves!

We are our own biggest critics. It’s easy for us to see our faults and shortcomings, which makes it hard for us to see all of the good qualities that we have. But Heavenly Father sees all of us, the good and the bad, and He still loves us and tells us we are worthy. And if the person who knows every single one of our secrets still loves us, we need to see that worthiness inside of ourselves too. 

Beautiful to Him

You deserve to know that you will find your beauty in the light that emanates from Jesus Christ!

It’s easy to get caught up in all of the negativity and evil in the world. We sometimes find ourselves trying to impress the wrong people, but the only person’s opinion of us that truly matters is Heavenly Father. And if we live to impress Him, it will attract the right people into our lives who will love us just as He does. 

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Final Thoughts On These Christian Songs for Teenage Girls

Music can have such a powerful effect for good, especially when it inspires us to look toward Jesus Christ. We hope that you can be inspired by these songs as we were. Be sure to share these songs with others that enjoy them, and feel free to comment down below with your favorite Christian songs!

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