best tabernacle choir songs

17 Best Tabernacle Choir Songs at Temple Square

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The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square creates the most beautiful music! They perform many hymns and other LDS songs that focus on honoring and praising God and Jesus Christ. All of their worship music is sure to help you feel the spirit. This list is full of the best Tabernacle Choir songs and hymns to start with. 

Hymns Sung by the Tabernacle Choir

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by the Tabernacle Choir

Not only is the singing absolutely beautiful in this song, but the orchestra is incredible too. This song helps you to feel full of faith and strength as you stumble through life, knowing that God is with us. 

God Be With You Till We Meet Again by the Tabernacle Choir

Losing a loved one is so difficult. However, being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we can take comfort in knowing that we will return to our loved ones once again, thanks to God and His love for us. 

Battle Hymn of the Republic by the Tabernacle Choir

This motivating and uplifting song is definitely a battle hymn! It’s upbeat and positive and makes you feel powerful and unstoppable when you listen to it. And that’s exactly how we should aim to feel every day, knowing that we are children of God.

I Need Thee Every Hour by the Tabernacle Choir

This song is an excellent reminder that we need our Heavenly Father every day, all day! In all that we do, we need God’s love, support, mercy, and so much more. He is at the very center of everything we do. 

How Great Thou Art by the Tabernacle Choir

Heavenly Father has created everything our eyes can see. He has created us, the sky, the mountains – everything! He also knows every little detail, from how many flowers there are to how many hairs there are on our heads. 

Come, Come, Ye Saints by the Tabernacle Choir

All is well! All is well! With God by our side, no matter what venture life takes us on, all is well. Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and He always has our best interests at heart. 

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus by the Tabernacle Choir

Our ultimate goal during our life on this earth is to strive to become as much like Jesus as we can. If we always do our best to be Christ-like, our lives will be filled with joy and we will be eternally blessed. 

Nearer, My God, to Thee by the Tabernacle Choir

God is our Father in Heaven, and we will always have a strong, deep desire to be near Him. It’s our nature to want to be loved, supported, and cared for by our Father in Heaven. 

It Is Well with My Soul by the Tabernacle Choir

Our life is going to be full of trials and hardships no matter what, that is part of the human experience. But if we remain faithful and trusting of Heavenly Father and His plan for us, we can find rest and joy in our lives. 

The Spirit of God by the Tabernacle Choir

Nothing is more comforting, more powerful, or more influential than the Spirit of God. How lucky are we to be blessed by the Spirit of God as often and as much as we want? We are truly blessed. 

Popular Songs Sung by the Tabernacle Choir

Bring Him Home, Les Misérables by Alfie Boe and The Tabernacle Choir

This popular song is from Les Miserables. While you may have seen it before, the Tabernacle Choir’s performance makes it seem as if you’ve never heard it. 

Amazing Grace by the Tabernacle Choir

Just about everyone knows the song Amazing Grace. However, not many people have heard it performed by the Tabernacle Choir. It is sure to make you find a new appreciation for the song. They make it sound even more beautiful than it already does. 

Hallelujah Chorus, from Messiah by the Tabernacle Choir

Probably one of the most popular and frequently used songs there is, everyone has heard this before. But if you haven’t heard the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra perform it, you will want to listen to it again! 

Homeward Bound by the Tabernacle Choir

This song has a soft, airy feel to it. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t leave you feeling empowered afterward. It’s a beautiful piece that you will find yourself wanting to listen to over again. 

You Raise Me Up by the Tabernacle Choir

This is another popular song that is made even better and more beautiful by the Tabernacle Choir. It will send a chill down your spine, and possibly bring a tear to your eye. It’s an amazing performance. 

Circle of Life, from The Lion King by Alex Boyé and the Tabernacle Choir

Even the kids will enjoy this song, as they will recognize it from the popular movie;  The Lion King. It was beautiful before, but the Tabernacle Choir really brings life to it! 

Shenandoah by the Tabernacle Choir

This song will bring peace and relaxation to anyone who listens to it. It’s truly enchanting. You could leave it on repeat and never get sick of it. 

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Final Thoughts On The Best Tabernacle Choir Songs

We hope you enjoyed this list of Mormon Tabernacle Choir songs and hymns. All of their LDS music is so beautiful and encouraging, but this list is all of our favorites. Be sure to comment below with your favorite songs by the Tabernacle Choir. Are there any songs or hymns you would add to this list? 

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